Top 3 Tips for Fall Cleanup
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As the temperature drops and we get closer to Halloween, everyone is spending more time inside! More time inside means everyone is starting to see the spots they need to clean more often than they would like. The last horror movie anyone wants to see is Nightmare in the Kitchen!

Getting your home back to tip-top shape can be even easier than you would expect. Here are some of our favorite tips of spots to clean up and how to clean them:

Freaky Fridge

The best place to start is the refrigerator! First, move the fridge and mop and clean where it usually is, then clean the underside where possible. A solution that works well for this is a vinegar based solution that can break through the grime and grease that builds up down there.

Make sure to sweep too! As tedious as it may be, the cleaner you can make it, the better it is for you and your family.

Cupboard Catastrophe

One of the most missed spots is the inside of cupboards. They tend to be forgotten because typically the only items that go in them are clean already. It’s always a good idea to wipe them down and get rid of dust, crumbs, and of course the critters lurking back there(hopefully none)! Always make sure to use products that won’t stain or affect your cabinet color or finish.

Absolutely Spotless Appliances

The last places to check in your kitchen are the appliances that make cooking that much easier. First, wipe down the oven and stove top for a deep clean to ensure your most used cooking utensils are spotless. Next, the best spot to hit would be the microwave and toaster oven. After a thorough cleanup of those, we always got to make sure the sink is clean and functional. 

The fun part now is cleaning all the individual plugins! Whether that be the George Foreman, the waffle iron, or the coffee maker, it’s always smart to get a restart on cleaning these useful tools.

As we get further in the fall season, it’s a perfect time to try our Cinnamon Apple Deodorizer that takes the place of an air freshener and helps desoil your carpet. This revolutionary technology helps keep your floors clean as well as smelling as fresh as ever!

These are just our favorite three steps to getting our homes back into shape, but definitely not the only ones. There may be a lot more to your fall cleanup, and we are always here to help with that. If you need help with carpet and upholstery cleaning, call today to have an expert inspect and clean what might have fallen behind this summer!